Mental health affects an estimated 450 million people world wide, yet despite this figure many still feel ashamed to seek diagnosis and support. Current figures state that each year in Britain an estimated 1 in 4 adults will experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem, though only 230 of every 300 who need help will actually visit their GP.
Mental illness is an extremely common form of distress and exists in many different forms of facets, each of which can have a debilitating effect on both your mental and physical well-being. This section of the site features information, facts, figures and studies which offer insight and a further understanding of the various aspects of mental health.
For many years now stigma has been a big problem for individuals who have a mental illness. Stereotypes and negativity surrounding poor mental health has unfortunately meant that many who are suffering are left feeling like they are on the only one.
The term mental health covers an extremely broad and complex spectrum of emotional and psychological issues. From panic attacks right through to bulimia nervosa and post natal depression, everyone is affected by life’s twists and turns in an entirely different way.
Though we often associate mental health problems exclusively with adults, a huge number of children (0-16) and young people (16-24) in the UK are also affected by various forms of mental distress, with figures for those being diagnosed continuing to grow on a yearly basis.
In the past much of the awareness and research regarding mental health issues has focused predominantly on women, whilst men with mental health concerns have had to face an element of negativity from society. Though in more recent years the stigma of mental health has improved some.
Building relationships throughout life is not only fundamental to learning how to communicate and socially interact, but is also essential for fulfillment and happiness. In today’s society individuals who suffer with mental health often have to face a variety of personal and social problems which can lead to isolation and loneliness or even addiction.
Discrimination towards minority groups has existed in society for decades, and though in recent years these negative attitudes have declined, many barriers and disadvantages still exist for those who belong to different cultures especially those who suffer with mental illness.
There are various sources and ways in which people with mental health concerns can seek treatment and support. Some individuals may come into contact with mental health services through referral from their GP or contact a counsellor/psychotherapist directly.
Millions of individuals will be affected by poor mental health at some time during their lives, and though anyone can experience these problems, there are some people from certain backgrounds and social situations who are at a significantly greater risk.